What is TETRAE ?

What is TETRAE ?

TETRAE, for Transition en Territoires de l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (Transition in Agriculture, Food Supply and the Environment in Territories), is a partnership research program funded by INRAE and 8 Regions for the period 2022 to 2027.

The 19 projects in the TETRAE program aim to study a wide range of issues that lie at the heart of current and future regional development challenges. The program involves a national network of scientists from various disciplines and regional stakeholders. The projects are conducted in partnership with other academic institutions (universities, engineering schools, research institutions such as the CIRAD, etc.) and regional socioeconomic actors (chambers of agriculture, associations, businesses, local authorities, etc.).

The projects have been built and are progressing under the leadership of national and regional facilitators, with the support of a Scientific Council.

TETRAE supports local stakeholders by co-constructing knowledge, scientific data, and practical tools for facilitating the transition at the regional level.

The research focuses on three main themes :

  • Agroecological transition of crop and livestock systems
  • Transition towards sustainable food-farming systems at local level
  • Sustainable management of resources:  biodiversity, water, forestry, circular economy…


The national program team is responsible for coordinating and managing the TETRAE program as a whole. It is made up of three people:

  • Danielle Galliano, head of the program
  • Frédéric Wallet, deputy head of the program
  • Pauline Lenormand, project manager of program

The Interregional Board is the forum for discussion between the national team and regional coordinators. It meets on a quarterly basis to exchange feedback on the progress of regional projects. It is composed of the following members:

  • Auvergne Rhône Alpes : Daniel Roybin
  • Bretagne : Catherine Vassy
  • Centre Val de Loire : Frédérique Angevin
  • Grand Est : Bernard Kurek
  • Ile de France : Armelle Mazé, Jacques Méry
  • Nouvelle Aquitaine : Laurence Denaix
  • Occitanie : Lorenzo Carré, Marie-Benoit Magrini, Jean-Marc Touzard
  • Pays de la Loire : Catherine Vassy

In this section

Following two years of co-construction, the projects were launched in autumn 2022 and will run for 5 years.
6 principes TETRAE
Six principles serve as anchors for the program’s global partnership-research approach: Partnership with the Regions; Co-construction with partners; Interdisciplinarity and scientific excellence; Operational exploitation and impact of research; Open innovation and living labs; Agriculture - Food - Environment - Health Nexus.
Seven initial themes tailored to the context of each region.
Presentation of the missions and members of the Scientific Council.

Modification date: 25 June 2024 | Publication date: 17 June 2022 | By: redacteur