
Construction phases of the program

Following two years of co-construction, the projects were launched in autumn 2022 and will run for 5 years.

The construction phases of the program and projects were as follows:

2020 : Consultation with the regions via the INRAE Centers: what are the priorities? What are the key challenges to be addressed?

  • Thematic groupings and expert opinions
  • National framework for the call for projects

2021 : Submission, selection and launching of the projects

  • Regional subdivision of the call for projects and call for expressions of interest according to the constraints of each region
  • Co-construction of final projects

2022 : Submission, selection and launching of the projects

 Mars 2022 – Submission of the projects

  • Selection of projects by TETRAE's national Scientific Council
  • Validation by the Regions

 Late 2022 / early 2023 : Launching of the projects

 Octobre 2023 : Researchers/Partners Seminar

  • Initial assessment of the operational launch of projects and their organizational structure.
  • Reflection on collaborative research and open innovation
  • Creation of a culture of impact, advances in understanding and materializing the transformative potential of research
  • Inter-project exchanges, construction of cross-disciplinary processes and knowledge

2024 : Launch of the cross-cutting thematic groups

Modification date: 28 May 2024 | Publication date: 21 July 2022 | By: PL